Matters, too!

Choose Yourself

Although we’re very tuned into the suffering of non-human species, it is important to remember that life as a human being can also be inherently challenging. We make up stories about our unworthiness, ruminate in regret from the past and worry for the future, and repeatedly engage our counterproductive coping strategies.

It’s time we change the way we treat and talk to ourselves! Like every single non-human on the planet, we too deserve compassion, peace, and freedom.

I’ve created a short video series that explores some of the challenges of being human and strategies to help navigate them, cultivating calm-clarity, and connection.

Check out the first video below, Why it’s not selfish to take care of yourself.

Create Peace and Freedom today!

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– Brene Brown

Video Series: Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me 20 Years Ago