
The Importance of Emotional Fluency

Emotions are the integration of thoughts and feelings, and they dictate the quality of our lives.  From a young age we were taught which emotions were acceptable and which were to be avoided. To some extent, we were taught not to feel.  While there are cultural and familial differences, many of us were taught that we should be happy, grateful, and optimistic about life. Feeling anger, sadness, and hopelessness might have been unacceptable. For others of us, our parents might have often expressed frustration, blame, or despair. 

As human beings, we are meant to live with the richness and freedom of experiencing our full range of emotions.  Actively avoiding or resisting our emotions, be they “good” or “bad,” can lead to our suffering. Contrary to popular belief, experiencing “negative” feelings will not cause us to get “stuck” there. In fact, actually processing our feelings enables them to flow through us and dissipate.  This experience is liberating and empowering. Our emotions contain guidance and wisdom, so taking time to experience and interpret them can help us live more deeply, authentically, healthily.

True emotional healing doesn’t happen without feeling. The only way out is through. 

–Jessica Moore

Becoming fluent with our emotions enables us to connect with our truth and to witness our personal reality. When we allow ourselves to experience and appropriately express our feelings and release thoughts that don’t serve us, we actually create greater access to higher-frequency emotions such as optimism, joy, excitement, freedom, and love. These expansive emotions create space in our bodies and lighten our energy field. Most importantly, when we long to live differently, our emotions generate the power to choose change.


Allow yourself to feel

When you allow yourself to feel, you gain access to your heart and body’s important wisdom.

Questions to Consider:

  • What feelings do you readily experience?  Which ones do you avoid?
  • What would you like to change about your “emotional life?”

Video Series: Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me 20 Years Ago